The Box Nutrition Athlete Dashboard

The problem with metabolic and VO2 Max testing is that the results can sometimes be confusing, this is why as part of our athlete testing package, athletes get access to our athlete dashboard.
Athlete Testing
Knowing your VO2Max and thresholds may seem impressive, but how does this help you?
The Box Athlete Dashboard paints a picture of exactly where you are now and how you need to improve.
How it works.
1. Build your profile
By combining your RMR, VO2Max tests and body fat tests ,we can construct your metabolic profile using our 9 point metric system.
2. How do you compare?
From your data we can then compare your 9 metrics to ideal values. Based off your results we highlight which areas you are strong at, and which ones need improving.

3. Training zones
From your VO2Max, anaerobic and aerobic thresholds we can accurately pinpoint your training zones (not the max heart rate nonsense). This enables you to target your training and achieve a specific outcome. What heart rate/speed should your intervals or endurance work be?
Using your personalised training zones, you then know exactly what intensity you need to exercise at when implementing your training playbook.

4. Your training playbook
As part of the dashboard, we also provide you with a training playbook that walks you through what type of exercise you should do to improve each one of your metrics. This includes specific example sessions to target each one if these areas.

5. Your Fuelling Dashboard.
The fuelling dashboard takes the data from the RMR and VO2Max tests and provides you with how much food you need for different exercise intensities.
This means when planning your weekly workouts, you just need to plug in the number of minutes you will be exercising so you understand exactly how to fuel each one of your sessions.
We provide you with recommended daily, and workout specific macronutrient targets so you know what type of food you should be eating.
You also receive a supplement strategy listing all the recommended supplements you should be considering based on your sport and goals.
Not only this, you are also given recommended dietary specifics including iron, vitamin D3, calcium, water, fibre, fruit and veg intake.

6. Meal Builder
We understand that you need more than just a set of numbers. This is why you also get access to a meal builder which helps you put together meals based around your kcal and macronutrient targets.

7. Debrief
All this data may seem a little overwhelming, which is why as part of the athlete testing programme you also receive a debrief session. During this zoom call we walk you through the dashboard so you understand exactly how to implement the data and ultimately help you improve your results.
Who is athlete testing for?
The Athlete Testing package is for anyone who partakes in a sport or activity where cardiovascular fitness is important, so if you’re training for an ironman or just do weekly exercise classes.
Metabolic testing is can be particularly useful for endurance athletes (runners, cyclists, triathletes), fighters (boxing, MMA) and team sports (footballers, rugby/hockey players).
If you’re interested in taking your performance to the next level book your athlete testing now or get in touch to see if it’s right for you.