Heart Rate Zones Calculator For Hyrox and Hybrid Training
Use the calculator below to estimate your heart rate training zones to maximise your Hyrox and Hybrid training.
1. Complete your Field Tests
1. The Threshold Test
Complete this running workout to establish your threshold heart rate. For this test, warm up for 10-15mins then, run as fast as you can for 30mins whilst trying to maintain an even effort. You can then look at your average pace and heart rate for the last 20mins of the test.
This will equate roughly to your threshold value.
2. The Max Heart Rate Test
Warm up for 10-15 minutes. Run up a hill for at least 2 minutes at a pace you think you could hold for 20 minutes. Jog to the bottom of the hill and repeat the hill again but at a slightly faster pace. Repeat this a third time and increase the speed again so you can only just complete the 2 minutes. Record your maximum heart rate.
The other option is to run 1 mile and every 1/4 of a mile increase the pace until you're running all out for the final 1/4. The highest number observed is the max heart rate.
If you know these values already you can skip this section.
2. Enter Your Heart Rate
Enter your threshold and max heart rate into the boxes below: