I want to know my metabolism
Resting Metabolic Rate Test, InBody Body Composition test
Service Description
This testing package can be tailored for both weight management and sports performance. The RMR test helps us establish how much you need to eat for your goals and activity and the body composition test helps us understand weight loss targets and areas which you need to improve. Included is: RMR Test Inbody Body Composition test This DOES NOT include any meal plan or planner. Details of what to expect when you come in can be found here https://eb24be7e-6521-41b9-8448-a31ec1bb8ca0.usrfiles.com/ugd/eb24be_fd9c5cc64c754e9aad803bf8b32195ac.pdf
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, you will need to give us 24hrs notice for a full refund to to reschedule your appointment. If prior notice is not given before your appointment, then you will still be charged.
Contact Details
Box Nutrition & Performance (PT Studio & Nutritionist), Wood Lane, Birmingham, UK